Author Topic: Always about Pinocchio[N]  (Read 2164 times)

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Offline StrongestSneeze

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Always about Pinocchio[N]
« on: August 08, 2016, 02:07:17 PM »
I've found some new sneezes about Piocchio(it's a gold mine!).
In this alternative serie of Pinocchio he try to escapefrom the whale but he can't. So he gets mad and starts to kicking some boxes, these are full of pepper and Pinocchio spills it everything making to sneeze anyone inside the whale. Unfortunately the whale doesn't sneezes...I don't understand what happens but I think the whale starts to drink water to remove the pepper taste from his mouth so they can finally escape.

This is a show for kids, and the characters was reading the Pinocchio fable when they noticed here is something wrong and Pinocchio can't make the whale sneeze to escape from his belly. So they dedided to go inside the story and helping Pinocchio to make the whale sneeze using various things like pepper, a coconut leaf and a feather.
I don't wat to spoil what happens, because the story is better if you don't know what will makes the whale sneeze!