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General Chatter / Re: Making an interactive sneezy dragon game [Scratch: DRGSNZ]
« Last post by bakky0 on January 26, 2024, 03:09:00 PM »
The lag spikes are happening because the game is loading certain graphics for the first time, like when she first sneezes fire or mess.

On that note, fire sneezes aren't personally my thing, but the quality of the fire is really impressive! I like the arcing mess a lot better. I've been into colds lately, lol. Just an all around amazing job.
Unarchived Stories / Re: [F + Pokemon + Mature + Explicit] Kira
« Last post by MrMrMrManManMan on January 26, 2024, 03:55:28 AM »
I hope someday somebody makes a sequel to this or something. I really like the idea of a princess having a secret sneeze fetish, and I feel this fanfic could really be well expanded upon, with more build up and sneezes.
I Found Something! / [M+F - Misc] Vida the Vet - A Sneezy Day in Sweetwood
« Last post by Furry-Sneezes on January 23, 2024, 12:10:32 AM »

Lots of sneezes throughout the whole episode, mostly from the hamster again, but misc from other animals.

Much to my unfathomable sadness, however, the foxie isn't even present in this episode. :(( Darn you, creators. I wanted to see the cuteness. :P
Oh goodness! Those are some CUTE sounding sneezes. Good faces too <3 <3
Poor thing has a sneezing fit~
I Found Something! / Re: [F + Koala] Mashle - Episode 14
« Last post by sneezyserpent on January 17, 2024, 12:42:59 AM »
Thank you for taking time sharing this here! =)

Something interesting to me is how useful sneezes are here. It is sadly rare that a sneeze is used as a positive solution to a problem. Off the top of my head, I can't think of a sneeze that is used in a scenario like this before. A sneeze being a method to successfully win a game like darts.

In all seriousness, I am happy there are build up hitching moments inbetween the sneezes. I really enjoy the build up of a sneeze, and together with the release of a sneeze it creates a powerful effect that just a sneeze release sound cannot have.
(last one should be 11:23)
General Furry Stuff / Re: Fun Furry Nintendo DS game got more games
« Last post by Furry-Sneezes on January 12, 2024, 05:16:15 AM »
Yup! I played it, as well as both Fuga games. They are enjoyable enough, though a little on the flawed side. I try to give love to furry content where I can, at least.
Books and Comics / Re: [M]A few finds from manga
« Last post by SnEeZy on December 28, 2023, 12:29:10 AM »
very nice finds here ^^
Books and Comics / Re: [M+F - Dragons - Powder] Dragon Kingdom of Wrenly 4
« Last post by Raeder on December 27, 2023, 09:48:01 AM »
Very nice
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